Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 10 Discussion 9

10 Discussion

Q By Thursday, April 8, at 11:59PM: 1. Reread the final paragraph of Things Fall Apart. 2. Answer/reflect on the following: From whose perspective is this part of the story told? Why do you think Achebe decided to end his book here, when throughout the rest of the book we'd been following, mostly, the story of Okonkwo? 3. Also answer: What do you think Achebe hoped to expose about colonization in Things Fall Apart? Provide one quote from chapters 13-25 (the end) that shows Achebe working to expose, explain, or describe something about colonization. Why did you pick that quote? 4. Finally, as usual, respond to two others' posts by Sunday, April 11, at 11:59PM.

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The final paragraph of Achebe’s Things Fall Apart is no doubt very thought provoking. It has been told from the perspective of the District Commissioner as per my understanding. Achebe wanted to shift the narrative style here from an omniscient narrator to a personal one. There is a